The Executive Committee (EXCO) is a committee of Council established in terms of section 8(1) (a) of the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance ACT (GENFETQA), of 2001 as amended. Council has delegated its day to day oversight functions to the EXCO in terms of section 8 of the GENFETQA Act.

EXCO has the following roles, responsibilities and powers:

  • To act on behalf of Council on urgent matters with subsequent reporting to Council.
  • To approve the strategic plans, annual performance plans, annual reports and budget of the organisation on an annual basis.
  • To approve transactions within its delegated authority limit.
  • To review material strategic initiatives, and recommend such to Council.
  • To consider emerging issues that may be material to the business and affairs of the entity and the realisation of the entity’s agreed strategy.
  • To make recommendations to Council on policy issues.
  • To review financial reports from management as well as approve fees and rates applicable to various processes within the organisation.
  • To initiate any special investigations within the entity.
  • To approve examination results as per Council delegation.
  • To report to Council at each Council meeting and so often as may otherwise be deemed necessary.
  • EXCO also deals with any other matter delegated to it by Council.

EXCO meets four times a year.