Umalusi Council has always grounded its work in well considered research based on issues within its mandate and education and training as a whole. The Council is formally mandated to conduct research on matters relating to the sub-framework of qualifications it is responsible for, namely; the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework.
The Council’s research agenda and research projects are supported and critiqued by a Research Forum consisting of prominent academics and experts.
The research function is overseen and reported on by the Statistical Information and Research Unit (SIR), although research is also conducted in each of the other units at Umalusi.
Standardisation is one of the processes Umalusi Council uses to mitigate the effect of factors other than the learners’ knowledge and aptitude on the learners’ performance and to finally approve results.
Approval of Results
Umalusi Council is responsible for approving the release of results, a complex process. Approval of results is determined by how well the assessment bodies responsible for the examinations have complied with all the policies, directives and guidelines related to the qualification being resulted. These policies and directives are issued by Umalusi and the Departments of Basic Education and Higher Education and Training. Approval is also dependent on whether any irregularities have undermined the credibility and integrity of the examinations. Once the standardization decisions have been agreed upon, the assessment bodies are required to apply them to the marks of each subject. The standardized subject results are returned to Umalusi for quality assurance checks, and once the Council is satisfied that the decisions have been properly applied, the assessment bodies may finally result the individual candidates.
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16 Apr 1998 | Improving the quality of teaching |