Assessment explained
Umalusi sets standards for assessment of qualifications on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Framework and ensures that assessment for certification in schools, Further Education and Training Colleges and Adult Education and Training Centres is of the required standard.
This is achieved through the following processes:
✓ Development and implementation of assessment policies and directives
✓ Moderation of the standards of examination papers
✓ Moderation of the standards of internal assessment
✓ Monitoring the administration of national examinations and marking processes
✓ Moderation of the standard of marking
✓ Monitoring and verification of resulting
✓ Standardisation of results

Frequently Asked Questions
In terms of the GENFETQA Act of 2001(as amended in 2008), Umalusi is required to approve the release of results once it is satisfied that the examinations have been conducted in a credible manner. The Act also indicates that Umalusi is permitted to adjust the raw marks when necessary.
Gaining the approval of the Umalusi Council for the release of the results is a complex process, of which standardization is one of the last steps. Approval of results is determined by how well the assessment bodies responsible for the examinations have complied with all the policies, directives and guidelines related with the qualification being resulted.
These policies and directives are issued by Umalusi and the Departments of Basic Education and Higher Education and Training, and also by the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) and SACAI: (South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute) for their own systems. Such approval is also dependent on whether any irregularities could be considered to have undermined the credibility and integrity of the examinations.
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