GOCEO consists of the office of the Chief Executive Officer and the following Branches:

Branch Units
Corporate Services Human Capital Management [HCM], Finance and Supply Chain Management [F&SCM] and Information and Communication Technology [ICT].
Quality Assurance and Monitoring Quality Assurance of Assessment: School Qualifications [QAA: SQ], Quality Assurance of Assessment: Post-School Qualifications [QAA: PSQ] and Evaluation and Accreditation [E&A].
Qualifications and Research Statistical Information and Research [SIR], Qualifications, Curriculum and Certification [QCC].


GOCEO also includes the PR and Communications and Strategy and Governance units, which report directly to the Chief Executive Officer. The Executive Management is responsible for implementation of Umalusi Council`s mandate, which includes, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, financial and risk management, HR management, quarterly and annual reporting, the secretariat function of the Council, and PR and Communications.

Anti-Fraud Hotline: 17737

Umalusi accredits private providers of education and training as well as private assessment bodies to offer tuition and/or assessment for qualification(s) on the General and Further Education and Training Qualification Framework.… Learn More…

The main functions of the two quality assurance of assessment units, School Qualifications [QAA-SQ] and Post School Qualifications [QAA-PSQ], are to set standards for assessment of qualifications…. Learn More..

Umalusi verifies certificates issued for all the following qualifications … Learn More..

Umalusi’s mandate as a Quality Council derives from the NQF Act, Act No 67 of 2008, and its establishment act, the GENFETQA Act, Act No 58 of 2001, amended in 2008. Learn More…

Umalusi Council has always grounded its work in well considered research based on issues within its mandate and education and training as a whole. Learn More…

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